How To Initialize your ARES 620
How To Initialize your ARES 620
The ARES Device should be Initialized prior to each patient testing. This can be done by following these steps:
- Access the portal using Web browser Internet Explorer or Google Chrome
- Plug in your ARES device to the PC
- Access the “New Study” menu by going to “Home Sleep Testing” > “New Study”

- Once the page loads, you will see the "Communicating with ARES Device" message.
- Next, If it hasn't been installed you will be prompted to Download ARES Windows Application
- Click the Download button and follow the steps provided.
Run the download file
Installer completes automatically
Confirmation message will appear, Click 'Finish'
Return to previous page
Open/Run the ARESClient (If prompted)
- Data populates when the device is connected. You should see the device serial number, the Battery Status, and Recorded Sleep data (if any is applicable)
- Next, Enter Study Info - Red asterisk * are required fields.
Ordering Physician
Patient Information
First/Last Name
Date of Birth
Auto Therapy
- Once all of the fields have been completed, Click 'Initialize Device'
- You will see the message 'Formatting and Initializing the device. This may take several minutes...
- Lastly, you will see a Confirmation message once Completed.

- Click OK and disconnect the device from your PC.
- The device has been successfully initialized.