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Patient FAQ's
Here are some commonly asked questions regarding the Home Sleep Testing process. If you do not see your question posted, please call customer support for further assistance at 877-710-6999 Option 1 > Option 1. Did I damage/delete my study by ...
How To Initialize your ARES (PDF)
The ARES Device should be Initialized prior to each patient testing. This can be done by following these steps: Access the portal portal.watermarkmedical.com using Web browser Internet Explorer or Google Chrome Plug in your ARES device to the PC ...
ARES Device Audible Notifications
ARES Device — Audible Notifications Audio Notification Meaning What Should you Do Unicorder has been turned off. Unicorder is turned OFF using the ON/OFF switch. No action needed Unicorder has been turned on. Unicorder is turned ON using the ON/OFF ...
How To Use The ARES Device Video
Uploading the ARES 610 (Video)